On s’est demandé : “comment étudier ce phénomène? comment en faire un objet d’étude? et comment le présenter comme on présenterait une jolie pièce de boeuf sur l’étalage d’une boucherie ?”.
How many? – Dance piece for 3 dancers (Aline Combe, Lucie Piot and Maria Striim, 2021) – Co-produced by Tårnby Park Studio
There is a fact. And this fact, that every situation that we have experienced, from the moment we are born until the moment we die, every situation can contain several interpretations.
We asked ourselves: “How can we study this phenomenon? How can we make it an object of study? And how can we present it, as we would present a nice piece of beef on a butcher’s shop shelf?
We used the questions as tools, as little solid metal levers to raise the different nuances and potentials within the same situation.
Close your eyes (just kidding, otherwise you can’t read afterwards), imagine a woman dancing.
Is she dancing in silence?
Is she wearing shoes?
Is she followed by a crowd of other dancers who imitate her?
Or by a one-eyed dog?
Does she bend her right knee?
Can she feel the water and wind on her face?
Can she hear my questions?
It is like unfolding an origami forever.
Work in progress of How Many?